Tech Fundamentals Course

Want to boost your communication and collaboration skills with developers and tech teams?

This course provides a hands-on dive into modern digital processes for a better understanding of tech. Designed for everyone who wants to get a taste of development or take their own communication and collaboration skills to the next level.

Start Flexible
Duration ~10 weeks, self-paced
Location Online
Support Mentored by our experienced trainers
Price 3.990€
Topics Intro to a range of tech topics from software engineering processes and workflows, terminology and tools to data management and data processing, web architecture, IT security, Computer science fundamentals, SEO and more!
Experience no upfront knowledge needed

Do you need more information or have questions? Get in touch! Click the link below to schedule time with us.

group of people studying at laptops

As a...

Project Manager
Product Manager
IT Recruiter
HR Manager
Sales Pro
Marketing Manager

I want to...

understand state-of-the-art software engineering processes
gain tangible tech skills and use correct terminology
learn how developers work
collaborate with tech teams
more efficiently
understand decision impacts and consequences
perform development tasks and assess new topics more easily

so that...   

I build future-proof digital skills
I gain confidence in working on tech tasks
Team communication
is improved
Projects are more efficient
IT recruiting results
in better hires
Customer experience
is enhanced

Boost your
digital literacy

close-up of a black coffee mug with text on it saying: develop. preview. ship.

Our super dense curriculum will provide you with all the background knowledge and theory you need while solidifying your new skills in our successful UpLeveled style:
Through interactive lectures, expert trainers and hands-on exercises.

Web architecture & infrastructure
Development terminology & standards
Coding experience (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React & more)
Data management & databases
(Mobile) application development
Tech team workflows & tasks
Low-code & no-code tools
History of the web & open source
Automation tooling
Image, audio & video editing
Wordpress intro incl. CMS, e-commerce & payment processing
Quality Assurance & Testing
IT Security
SEO & Accessibility


Will I become a developer? You will get your hands dirty with writing some code and working with the command line to get a better understanding of what programming is like and how developers think and work. If you'd like to switch careers and get into coding full-time, our immersive web development program might just be the right thing for you.
In-person or remote? This course is provided in a fully online format to ensure max flexibility for up-skilling on the job or re-skilling whenever you're ready.
Will the course be in English? Yes, the course and all resources will be in English. Our mentors speak English and German.
Will there be support? We will provide lectures, hands-on exercises, tutorials and further reading as well as a community of fellow students, mentoring calls with our experienced trainers and feedback on your learning progress.

Ready to go?

Get in touch!

Join today or ask more questions:
Drop us a message and we'll get in touch with you asap.

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