General Terms and Conditions.

1. Scope
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") apply to all participants (hereinafter referred to as "course participants") in courses of UpLeveled GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "UpLeveled"), unless otherwise agreed in individual cases within the framework of permanent cooperation. Point 18 of these GTC applies between UpLeveled and partner companies to which UpLeveled provides programs developed in courses (hereinafter referred to as "partner companies").
2. Registration
UpLeveled accepts registrations for courses via a form provided by email. Each registration is binding. Participation by a person other than the registered course participant is only possible with the express written consent of UpLeveled.
3. Participation Requirements
UpLeveled is entitled to condition course participation on the fulfillment of specified qualifications. The participation requirements are announced with the course description as part of the registration process. It is the responsibility of the course participants to assess whether they meet the participation requirements.
4. Course Fee
The course fee must be transferred unsolicited and on time to the account of UpLeveled GmbH in accordance with the payment terms agreed in the registration form. In the event of late payment, UpLeveled is entitled to refuse the affected course participants participation in the course.
5. Course Content
UpLeveled is entitled to change course content at any time if this appears appropriate due to new developments.
6. Course Completion
UpLeveled courses conclude without a certification exam. Course participants receive a certificate of participation upon request.
7. Right of Withdrawal
Course participants who are consumers are entitled to withdraw from the contract up to 14 days after receipt of the course registration. The withdrawal must be made by means of a clear declaration (by email or letter). It is sufficient to send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the end of the withdrawal period to comply with the withdrawal period. In the event of withdrawal, UpLeveled will refund the course fee already paid by the affected course participants no later than fourteen days from the day on which the notification is received. This provision does not apply to course participants within the framework of cooperation with partner companies.
8. Cancellation
Apart from the case described in point 7, course participants cannot withdraw from the contract after binding registration. In the event of cancellation or non-participation by the course participants, the full course fee remains due. However, UpLeveled may at its discretion allow the course participants to switch to an equivalent course.
9. Exclusion from Further Participation
UpLeveled may reject course participants or exclude them from further participation in the course if this is necessary due to reasons inherent in the person of the course participants. This includes, in particular, violations of the Code of Conduct and failure to meet the required minimum standards.
10. Schedule Changes
In the event that the trainers scheduled for a course date are unable to attend, UpLeveled may postpone scheduled course dates. In this case, UpLeveled will notify the registered course participants immediately in writing to the provided email address. UpLeveled is not liable for costs incurred due to schedule changes (such as travel, accommodation, or hotel costs).
11. Access to Online Resources
UpLeveled provides all course participants with individual access to the online learning platform before the start of the course. Each course participant must keep this access confidential and secure. In the event of misuse or unauthorized disclosure of the data, UpLeveled may block the access of the affected course participants. Course participants are liable for damages caused to UpLeveled by the misuse or unauthorized disclosure of the data to third parties.
12. Webspace (Online Platforms)
UpLeveled offers course participants the opportunity to use a webspace (Slack) for private exchange both within and outside the courses. If content from individual course participants in the webspace violates the usage guidelines of UpLeveled or the Code of Conduct, UpLeveled is entitled to block the webspace account of the affected course participants. Each course participant also automatically becomes a member of the UpLeveled Alumni Channel on Slack. Course participants can terminate their membership at any time by sending a written notification via email to without giving reasons.
13. Code of Conduct
UpLeveled refers to the Berlin Code of Conduct ( This code outlines UpLeveled's expectations for all participants in the courses and community, as well as the consequences of unacceptable behavior. All course participants acknowledge the rules and consequences of this code of conduct with their course registration.
14. Intellectual Property
The course participants acknowledge that all property and copyright in materials and information provided by UpLeveled remain with UpLeveled and any use beyond the course purposes is prohibited. In particular, course participants may not exploit, reproduce, or distribute course lectures, exams, curriculum, and other course materials from UpLeveled without express written consent. Course participants may also only make image, video, and audio recordings of course lectures, exams, the curriculum, and other course materials from UpLeveled with express written consent.
15. Rights to Created Works
For works created or produced during a course, especially programs that are capable of intellectual property protection, it is agreed that these rights are exclusively and comprehensively granted to UpLeveled. This means that all rights (in particular, rights of use) to these works are exclusively vested in UpLeveled. However, course participants have the right to be credited as the creators of a work created or produced during a course and to state their authorship to third parties. If a transfer of rights is not possible, the course participants grant UpLeveled an exclusive, transferable, unrestricted right of use (including all exploitation rights under §§ 14 to 18a UrhG) to the respective works. This right of use includes, but is not limited to, the right to reproduce, modify, edit (including distort), translate, publish (including via online services, the Internet, and clouds of all kinds), and distribute the respective works, also by leasing or renting, and to transfer or license this right of use or derived rights to third parties. The contractual transfer and/or granting of rights takes effect immediately upon the creation of the respective works. UpLeveled hereby acknowledges this transfer and granting of rights of use to the works and results, as applicable.
16. Image Rights
Course participants expressly consent to the use and publication (especially for advertising purposes) of photos, videos, and other materials that UpLeveled records of the course participants during the courses. This consent can be revoked at any time in writing by email to without giving reasons. However, photos, videos, and other materials that have already been used and published remain unaffected by the revocation.
17. Disclaimer
UpLeveled's liability to course participants in connection with obligations arising from the contractual relationship with the course participants – except for personal injuries – is limited to intent and gross negligence. This applies, in particular, to the completeness and accuracy of the materials and information provided by UpLeveled, the achievement of learning objectives, and the successful completion of the course. In no case does UpLeveled warrant that the course participants will find relevant work after completing the course.
18. Partner Companies
UpLeveled's liability to partner companies in connection with the obligations assumed under the respective agreement between UpLeveled and the partner companies – except for personal injuries – is limited to intent and gross negligence. Partner companies acknowledge that all property and copyright in programs provided by UpLeveled remain with UpLeveled and any use beyond the purposes of the respective agreement between UpLeveled and the partner company is prohibited. In particular, partner companies may not exploit, reproduce, or distribute programs provided by UpLeveled without express written consent. Logos or designations of UpLeveled (especially the logo or designation "UpLeveled") may not be removed from intellectual property, documents, or other materials without written consent. UpLeveled is entitled to name the cooperation with the partner company as a reference project to potential customers and use it for advertising purposes in any way, including by publishing it on the Internet or another medium. Partner companies agree to the free use of their logos for these purposes.
19. Data Processing and Transfer
Course participants expressly agree that their personal data, namely name, date of birth, address, and email address, will be processed for the purpose of sending electronic newsletters or advertising brochures. Course participants can revoke this consent at any time in writing by email to without giving reasons.
20. Changes to the General Terms and Conditions
UpLeveled reserves the right to make changes to these GTC by providing written notification with a notice period of four weeks. Relevant changes will be announced to the registered email address. It is the responsibility of the course participants to take note of these notifications and familiarize themselves with the changes. If the course participants do not wish to accept the announced changes, they have the right to terminate their existing contract in writing (by email or post) within the notice period. In this case, the contractual relationship ends with the entry into force of the changes. If UpLeveled does not receive a written objection from the course participants within four weeks of notification of the change, the changes are deemed accepted by the course participants.
21. Final Provision
If any provision of these GTC is invalid or unenforceable, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by the valid and enforceable provision that most closely reflects the purpose of the original provision. The remainder of the GTC remains unaffected and valid.